Students of Science Leadership Academy
GreenHouse1 1

Below are a few designs the group made up when were in the initial stages of coming up with a workable design. Click the 3D Presentation button to see the final design... in 3D!
This was the Plan B for our design, 3 bamboos would be bent over the plot, secured, much like how our bamboo was secured, and then covered with the plastic. We ran into difficulties deciding where opening would go in order to make all plants inside of the plot accessible while also keeping a reliable construct.
This was one idea of an opening for the domes. The idea was that there would be a cut out flap on either side of the domes.
This is a quick sketch of a bird's eye view of our plot. The dotted lines resemble when the bamboo would be stretched and placed.
This became a separate idea for an opening, to better keep in heat and keep our structure durable. Slits that would be cut into an 'I'shape and then tied together with twine. In order to keep the plastic from wear and tear we decided that duck tape should reenforce the plastic before punching out the holes. This became the design we ended up using. We also added a makeshift pouch from duck tape to hold the twine when it was untied.