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The Project 

Do you have a small garden plot and are dreading the cold winter for your growing plants? Maybe you've looked into small scale greenhouse designs and have found little luck with finding the right one for you. Here at GreenHouse101 we've done our own small house greenhouse design and modeled it here for you! This entire website has all the details from cost, to supplies, to process on how to recreate your own miniature greenhouse on a budget. 

We hope that by viewing our process that you may find your own personal design and keep your plants healthy and flourishing all year round ! 

-Happy Green housing! 

Bok Choy

Originally a Chinese vegetable also known as Chinese cabbage can grow rapidly fast in the matter of 45- 50 days depending on the weather. Bok choy is able to survive in cool weather making Spring and Fall the best seasons for growing. Boy choy finds distress in seasons such as Summer and prefers cool to cold weather which is perfect for the conditioning of a green house design. It can survive in at the lowest 30 degrees without completely dying out.


Spring weather condition is the best to grow radishes.  Winter radishes require more time of care then spring radishes. Radishes tend to grow in about 3 weeks. In order to have a healthy growth start for your radishes is to first make sure the soil conditions are just right. It also grows best during cooler weather conditions.



Living conditions as low as 40'F that requires full amount of Sunlight and moist along with fertile soil. Broccoli thrives in cool weather such as Fall/Spring because of its conditions of being in-between an average of above 40"F and lower the 80'F degrees. Broccoli seeds sprout when soil temperatures range between 60 and 70 degrees fahrenheit.


Below is a list of the plants that our plot is a home to. 


The entire process for making a simple



- plastic

- staples

- staples

- string

- bamboo 

- duct tape 

- building tools 

Special thanks to all the members for

a job well done!

Special thanks to Stephanie Dunda for the project assignment.

Website design, theme, and clip art credited to 

All photography was taken by the group.

Click here for bibliography

Special Thanks & Credit

A project by Science Leadership Academy students 

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